George asks…
How Do I Update My iPAQ h5450 To Windows Mobile 6 or 7?
My OS for my IPAQ h5450 is Windows Mobile 2003. I would like to change the OS to WINDOWS MOBILE 6 or 7
Matt NJ answers:
Unfortunately, you cannot.
The hardware required to run Windows Mobile 5/6 has higher requirements than Pocket PCs designed to run Windows Mobile 2003.
On top of this, without a cooked ROM package specifically designed for your PPC, you would be left without driver support, leaving your touchscreen, microphone, wifi radio, etc. useless.
*Note: Windows Mobile 7 is not set to release until 2010, and will certainly not be compatible with your iPAQ.
Sorry for the bad news.
Hope this helped…
James asks…
Windows Mobile 7 Upgrade?
I have the HTC HD2 running (among other things) Windows Mobile 6.5. Will I be able to upgrade to Windows Mobile 7 when it comes out?
Matt NJ answers:
First of all, it’s Windows Phone 7 ;).
Secondly, unfortunately you won’t be able to upgrade to Windows Phone 7.
Charles asks…
I want to install windows 7 in my mobile?
while i was travellig in bus i saw a guy wiht a mobile .. he was having windows 7 in his mobile. i want to install it too pls someboidy tell me.
Matt NJ answers:
You cannot install windows on any phone, only windows mobile phones. They come with a mobile version of windows preinstalled, and are designed to run it.
Paul asks…
hey guys google new phone has been released…
but it still lacks a lot of feature that people were expecting for it
so I am thinking it would be wise to wait for WINDOWS MOBILE 7
what do you think guys?
Matt NJ answers:
I am a huge windows mobile fan. Windows mobile is way more customizable than droid
Richard asks…
Will Windows Mobile 7 be a free upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5?
If I buy an HTC Touch HD which has Windows Mobile 6 on it. Will Windows Mobile 7 be a free upgrade (or if it costs, how much roughly)? WIll it work on the HTC Touch HD?
Also, when is it due for release?
Matt NJ answers:
yes it will be free via software update and there is no definite release date yet but it will be sometime in 2009
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